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In this brief series, we are taking a look at two important locations for healing miracles in the Gospel of John: the…
When we think about pilgrimage in the Bible, the three major feasts given in the Old Testament Law come quickly to mind.…

The Land of Immanuel

February 11, 2022
When we arrived in the Holy Land just a couple of weeks ago, one of the first things our guide said to…
Beth Shean amphitheater
Reading and studying the Bible after visiting the Holy Land is like adding the sets and scenery to a stage production. The…
Mount Nebo-Jordan
Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed…
Biblical scholar, author, speaker, and fellow travel leader Stephen Binz has published an excellent resource that pilgrimage travelers to the Holy Land…
Pilgrimage | Faith Connections Travel