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Petra hike

Previewing Petra

April 26, 2023
When we travel to Jordan, a clear highlight is always the full day spent at the ancient Nabatean capital of Petra. This…
What makes Faith Connections Travel different than other travel companies?  If the lockdown and hibernation of 2020 taught us anything, it is…
Mount Nebo-Jordan
Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed…
Pilgrimage is about Hope for the individual and the community.
Bible hands

Pilgrimage is Hope

October 29, 2021
Pilgrimage is about Hope for the individual and the community.
The Old Testament mentions this city five times, but many Christians have never heard of it. On our upcoming trip to the…
Tall el-Hammam
We are excited to include a new site in Jordan on our January 2022 trip itinerary: Tall el-Hammam. This ancient city dominated…
Amman panorama
I am especially excited that our next trip to the Holy Land will include an extension to Jordan. The sites of Petra,…
Jordan | Faith Connections Travel