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Gospel of John

All the posts published.
Jerusalem from east
Another pool in Jerusalem that hosted a healing from Jesus in the Gospel of John is the Pool of Siloam (John 9).…
In this brief series, we are taking a look at two important locations for healing miracles in the Gospel of John: the…
Healing Water
In my last post (Healing Pools, part 1), we began a look at two significant locations of healing miracles in the Gospel…
Jesus heals at Bethesda
The Gospel of John tells us about two healing miracles that Jesus performed at two different pools of water in Jerusalem. The…
Primacy of Peter
In this season after Easter, Christians often focus on the stories in the gospels that recount Jesus' appearances after his resurrection. A…
Church of Nativity Star
As we focus on and celebrate the birth of Christ this week, the holy site in Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity that…
Gospel of John | Faith Connections Travel