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All the posts published.
This week, a podcast that I listen to reminded me of something important about group travel: Travel gives us many opportunities to…
Discover Greece and the Biblical foundations set in this amazing country.
April Bristow
Join us as we embark on a life-changing pilgrimage with Dr April Bristow from First United Methodist Church of Richardson, TX.
Tina in Galilee
A few small tweaks in your traveling style can relieve a LOT of stress while traveling!
It is so exciting to travel, and preparation is the key to an exciting adventure. Know where you are going and why, how to get around, and most importantly which shoes are best! Travel with us to help guide you thought these area of concern.
Jerusalem cityscape
I'm not a reader of TIME Magazine, but I couldn't help noticing from inside the travel world that Jerusalem was recently named…
Walking The Bible
When people ask, “Why do you go to The Holy Land?” I share the book “Walking The Bible” is a great book to set you on the path to pilgrimage.

What’s Included?

October 6, 2022
When Tina and I talk with groups and individuals about doing a Holy Land pilgrimage with Faith Connections Travel, pleasant surprise often…
What makes Faith Connections Travel different than other travel companies?  If the lockdown and hibernation of 2020 taught us anything, it is…
Welcome to the Second Annual Faith Connections Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Jordan. (Itinerary) Faith Connections Travel was created from a…
Travel | Faith Connections Travel