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All the posts published.
Church of Nativity Belfry
Although the forecast was for rain in Bethlehem, we didn’t get any. The temperature was in the forties, but we had sunshine…
On the Sea of Galilee
At Faith Connections Travel, we are on the home stretch of preparations for our next Holy Land pilgrimage. I am looking forward…
Church of Nativity Star
As we focus on and celebrate the birth of Christ this week, the holy site in Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity that…
Holy Sepulchre front
The public enters the Resurrection Church, better known worldwide as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, from a small plaza off of…
We are beginning to assemble to build community and real the new site on our itinerary.
The Old Testament mentions this city five times, but many Christians have never heard of it. On our upcoming trip to the…
We are beginning to assemble to build community and real the new site on our itinerary.
Tall el-Hammam
We are excited to include a new site in Jordan on our January 2022 trip itinerary: Tall el-Hammam. This ancient city dominated…
Bethlehem Bible College 2014
We are beginning to assemble to build community and real the new site on our itinerary.
Sites | Faith Connections Travel