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All the posts published.
Grotto of Pan
In Matthew 16, we read that Jesus took his disciples north of Galilee to a place called Caesarea Philippi. Here, Christ asked…
Horns of Hattin
Spending time around the Sea of Galilee is an important part of Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land because of the area's…
Petra hike

Previewing Petra

April 26, 2023
When we travel to Jordan, a clear highlight is always the full day spent at the ancient Nabatean capital of Petra. This…
Gethsemane Trees
We finish this series on some of the highlights of the Mount of Olives with what is typically the last stop on…
Chapel of the Ascension
In this series, we are exploring some of the main sites on the Mount of Olives, several of which we typically visit…
Pater Noster compound
We continue our look at some of the main sites that we see as we descend the Mount of Olives on the…
Dominus Flevit
In this brief blog series, we are surveying some of the key sites that we visit on the Mount of Olives. In…
Dead Sea beach sunrise
The Dead Sea is such a unique place. There simply is nothing like it on earth. On many of our pilgrimages to…
First century Jerusalem model
Readers of the New Testament often wonder, What was the size of the city of Jerusalem in the days of Jesus? How…
Capernaum Synagogue foundation
In Luke 7:1-10, we read the story of Jesus healing a centurion's servant in Capernaum. The account is familiar to many of…
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