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All the posts published.
A Pilgrimage state of mind When traveling to the Holy Land, reading Bible passages in the place where those events took place,…
travel collage
Boarding the Plane I boarded a plane this morning from Dallas to New York City. I want to share some of my…
Visiting the Kando Shop
Vaccines and Smiles. What everyone wants to know. What do you see for the next trip? Will we need to be vaccinated?…
Tina and Catherine at the Gates of Hell
Tina and her sister Catherine at the base of Mt. Hermon - the Gates of Hell
Thinking about the New Year in Jerusalem trip, planning and organizing all while the world is in flux with ever changing rules…
Basic Bible Atlas
A couple of months ago, I wrote about the importance of having and using a Bible atlas in your Bible study and…
Dead Sea area
In every biblical studies course that I teach, I try to make sure that the role of the Bible atlas makes its…
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