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Modern Israel

All the posts published.
Embrace the cultural similarities and differences when you travel.
Visiting the Kando Shop
Vaccines and Smiles. What everyone wants to know. What do you see for the next trip? Will we need to be vaccinated?…
Many are familiar with the biblical phrase used to describe the Promised Land, "a land flowing with milk and honey." We first…
Thinking about the New Year in Jerusalem trip, planning and organizing all while the world is in flux with ever changing rules…
During this time of social distancing I am full of joy remembering friends and past pilgrimages.
The famous "Western Wall" of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a special place of prayer and worship, as well as of…
Western Wall Plaza
During the 2019 Christmas season, about 165,000 Christian pilgrims visited Israel. The Ministry of Tourism even provided free buses to shuttle visitors…
Modern Israel | Faith Connections Travel