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All the posts published.
Discover Greece and the Biblical foundations set in this amazing country.
Horns of Hattin
Spending time around the Sea of Galilee is an important part of Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land because of the area's…
Holy Sepulchre front
The public enters the Resurrection Church, better known worldwide as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, from a small plaza off of…
We are beginning to assemble to build community and real the new site on our itinerary.
The Old Testament mentions this city five times, but many Christians have never heard of it. On our upcoming trip to the…
We are beginning to assemble to build community and real the new site on our itinerary.
Bethlehem Bible College 2014
We are beginning to assemble to build community and real the new site on our itinerary.
The Pilgrimage is ready - let's go!
The Pilgrimage is ready - let's go!
History | Faith Connections Travel