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All the posts published.
Visiting the Kando Shop
What do you collect? How do you remember a trip? Do you buy things and bring home souvenirs?
Gather your things for a comfortable trip!
Bethlehem Christmas Tree
Christmas Traditions are different around the world.
Staying organized on any trip is a challenge. Here is one tip that can change quite a bit of luggage.
Pilgrimage is about Hope for the individual and the community.
Bible hands

Pilgrimage is Hope

October 29, 2021
Pilgrimage is about Hope for the individual and the community.
Podcast Junkies meet the podcasters among us as they teach our pre-trip preparation class.
A Pilgrimage state of mind When traveling to the Holy Land, reading Bible passages in the place where those events took place,…
travel collage
Boarding the Plane I boarded a plane this morning from Dallas to New York City. I want to share some of my…
We are beginning to assemble to build community and real the new site on our itinerary.
General | Faith Connections Travel