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All the posts published.
Jerash is an interesting location. So much to explore.
Discover Greece and the Biblical foundations set in this amazing country.
April Bristow
Join us as we embark on a life-changing pilgrimage with Dr April Bristow from First United Methodist Church of Richardson, TX.
A Christian pilgrimage can be a deeply meaningful and transformative experience for many individuals. A trip can have similar benefits. However, it…
Tina in Galilee
A few small tweaks in your traveling style can relieve a LOT of stress while traveling!
It is so exciting to travel, and preparation is the key to an exciting adventure. Know where you are going and why, how to get around, and most importantly which shoes are best! Travel with us to help guide you thought these area of concern.
Traveling is stressful, don't let lost luggage make it worse!

Street Food

February 16, 2023
To understand a culture, you need to understand the every day food of the residents. Street Food is a good way to learn about a culture.
Bethlehem Christmas Tree
A gallery of photos from the Church of Nativity to celebrate Christmas!
Are you ready to travel? Are you ready to go on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Jordan? When I ask…
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