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John Harman

All the posts published.
Dr. John Harman is co-owner of Faith Connections Travel and leads groups as they prepare for and travel to the Holy Land. He holds a Ph.D. in Old Testament, co-hosts a Bible and theology podcast called Orthodocs.faith, and is an Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies at LeTourneau University and an ordained pastor.
Along the Road 2018
While we cannot physically travel to the Holy Land right now, this is a good time to focus on what we can…
Beth Shean theater
When most of us think of archaeology and archaeologists, we picture the physical field work of excavation itself. That is, the digging…
Cheating weights

Cheating Weights

September 21, 2023
Fraud is nothing new. Even though corruption saturates countless institutions today and is perhaps flourishing on unprecedented scales, human beings have been…
This week, a podcast that I listen to reminded me of something important about group travel: Travel gives us many opportunities to…
Grotto of Pan
In Matthew 16, we read that Jesus took his disciples north of Galilee to a place called Caesarea Philippi. Here, Christ asked…
Horns of Hattin
Spending time around the Sea of Galilee is an important part of Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land because of the area's…
Petra hike

Previewing Petra

April 26, 2023
When we travel to Jordan, a clear highlight is always the full day spent at the ancient Nabatean capital of Petra. This…
Jerusalem cityscape
I'm not a reader of TIME Magazine, but I couldn't help noticing from inside the travel world that Jerusalem was recently named…
Passover lamb
Recently, I've been writing here about the Mount of Olives and the "Palm Sunday walk" that we make with our groups when…
Gethsemane Trees
We finish this series on some of the highlights of the Mount of Olives with what is typically the last stop on…
Chapel of the Ascension
In this series, we are exploring some of the main sites on the Mount of Olives, several of which we typically visit…
Pater Noster compound
We continue our look at some of the main sites that we see as we descend the Mount of Olives on the…
Dominus Flevit
In this brief blog series, we are surveying some of the key sites that we visit on the Mount of Olives. In…
Mt Olives sunrise

Mount of Olives

February 9, 2023
Just across the Kidron Valley to the east of Jerusalem is a long ridge called the Mount of Olives. Yes, it's not…
Dead Sea beach sunrise
The Dead Sea is such a unique place. There simply is nothing like it on earth. On many of our pilgrimages to…
Young figs
No fewer than twenty times, the Bible refers to Israel as a land flowing "with milk and honey". It's a familiar phrase…
First century Jerusalem model
Readers of the New Testament often wonder, What was the size of the city of Jerusalem in the days of Jesus? How…

What’s Included?

October 6, 2022
When Tina and I talk with groups and individuals about doing a Holy Land pilgrimage with Faith Connections Travel, pleasant surprise often…
When I talk about travel to the Holy Land with individuals and groups, a question that often comes up is, "What is…
Capernaum Synagogue foundation
In Luke 7:1-10, we read the story of Jesus healing a centurion's servant in Capernaum. The account is familiar to many of…
The tomb entrance Visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on our most recent trip in February was amazing. I…
Along the southern edge of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a stairway measuring 200-feet wide. It includes sections of original bedrock…
Western Wall
A very special stop in Jerusalem on every Faith Connections Travel Holy Land itinerary is the Western Wall. It is the visible…
Jerusalem from east
Another pool in Jerusalem that hosted a healing from Jesus in the Gospel of John is the Pool of Siloam (John 9).…
In this brief series, we are taking a look at two important locations for healing miracles in the Gospel of John: the…
Healing Water
In my last post (Healing Pools, part 1), we began a look at two significant locations of healing miracles in the Gospel…
Jesus heals at Bethesda
The Gospel of John tells us about two healing miracles that Jesus performed at two different pools of water in Jerusalem. The…
Primacy of Peter
In this season after Easter, Christians often focus on the stories in the gospels that recount Jesus' appearances after his resurrection. A…
Garden of Gethsemane
On every visit to the Holy Land, we visit the Mount of Olives while we are in Jerusalem. We start at the…
Tel es-Sultan
On our most recent pilgrimage, we visited the site of Old Testament Jericho (called Tel es-Sultan in Arabic). As its name implies,…
When we think about pilgrimage in the Bible, the three major feasts given in the Old Testament Law come quickly to mind.…
Pater Noster Church
On our recent Holy Land pilgrimage, as always, we visited the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. At one of the locations there,…

The Land of Immanuel

February 11, 2022
When we arrived in the Holy Land just a couple of weeks ago, one of the first things our guide said to…
Our start to an adventurous day in the Holy Land was a visit to the site connected with John’s baptism of Jesus…
Church of Nativity Belfry
Although the forecast was for rain in Bethlehem, we didn’t get any. The temperature was in the forties, but we had sunshine…
Sailing on the Sea of Galilee Today has been one of the most weather-perfect days that we have had on any of…
A beautiful and exciting day in Galilee and the north! We had a clear and cool morning to see the sun rise…
Crashing waves

Fearless Travel

January 26, 2022
Shalom, friends! I’ve been enjoying some soaking in the Psalms this month, and as I read Psalm 46 today, I really connected with…
Beth Shean amphitheater
Reading and studying the Bible after visiting the Holy Land is like adding the sets and scenery to a stage production. The…
On the Sea of Galilee
At Faith Connections Travel, we are on the home stretch of preparations for our next Holy Land pilgrimage. I am looking forward…
Church of Nativity Star
As we focus on and celebrate the birth of Christ this week, the holy site in Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity that…
Mount Nebo-Jordan
Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed…
Group at Caesarea
Our pre-trip series of classes continues in McKinney, TX, on Tuesday evenings, and all are welcome! These sessions are designed both for…
Biblical scholar, author, speaker, and fellow travel leader Stephen Binz has published an excellent resource that pilgrimage travelers to the Holy Land…
John at the Garden Tomb

Time to Prepare

September 16, 2021
Are you ready to get ready? It's time to finalize registration for our Holy Land trip departing January 30. And it's time…
Holy Sepulchre front
The public enters the Resurrection Church, better known worldwide as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, from a small plaza off of…
The Old Testament mentions this city five times, but many Christians have never heard of it. On our upcoming trip to the…
The Wedding at Cana
In Nazareth, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce the coming birth of Jesus. In this "annunciation," Mary is told, "He…
Tall el-Hammam
We are excited to include a new site in Jordan on our January 2022 trip itinerary: Tall el-Hammam. This ancient city dominated…
At Faith Connections Travel, we are excited to see the Holy Land re-opening for pilgrimage travel. We continue to look forward to…
When we travel in the Holy Land, we naturally spend time at archaeological sites. A common feature of the archaeological landscape that…
Tel Aviv at sunset

Tel Aviv-Jaffa

April 8, 2021
Faith Connections Travel is excited to have our next Holy Land trip itinerary put together! We are scheduled for departure from Dallas-Fort…
The Dead Sea Scrolls are widely recognized as one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the twentieth century. They are especially…
Many are familiar with the biblical phrase used to describe the Promised Land, "a land flowing with milk and honey." We first…
arabic study
A few months ago, I started a new journey that I have been looking forward to for several years: learning Arabic. It's…
Amman panorama
I am especially excited that our next trip to the Holy Land will include an extension to Jordan. The sites of Petra,…
John at Garden Tomb
The Faith Connections Travel blog is a place to learn. We talk about sites that we visit in the Holy Land, geography,…
As you would expect, the COVID pandemic had a profound affect on the world of archaeology, including in the Holy Land. Many…
Christmas Lutheran Church-Bethlehem
On all of our trips to the Holy Land, we find ourselves in that ancient and special place on a Sunday. Sometimes…
Revetment wall at ancient Jericho
Jericho is familiar to Christians from both the Old and New Testaments. From very ancient times, it was a gateway city into…
John at Arbel
I first had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land in 2009 as part of my graduate studies. It was a glorious,…
Caesarea aqueduct
We love to visit the spectacular (and huge) site of Caesarea Maritima on our tours. Also called Caesarea-by-the-Sea (and to be distinguished…
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
As we continue to celebrate the reopening of certain sites and the gradual restarting of tourism in the Holy Land, let's add…
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
In late March, the famous Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem closed due to coronavirus lockdown, but last week it opened…
Dr Jack Beck
I recently reviewed Jack Beck's new book, The Basic Bible Atlas, here on the Faith Connections Travel blog, and many of you…
When we say "sabbath" these days, most people think "day off" from work or "go to church," if anything comes to mind…
Basic Bible Atlas
A couple of months ago, I wrote about the importance of having and using a Bible atlas in your Bible study and…
The famous "Western Wall" of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a special place of prayer and worship, as well as of…
Dead Sea area
In every biblical studies course that I teach, I try to make sure that the role of the Bible atlas makes its…
Western Wall Plaza
During the 2019 Christmas season, about 165,000 Christian pilgrims visited Israel. The Ministry of Tourism even provided free buses to shuttle visitors…
When one reads the Bible, it becomes clear how geography is the stage on which the redemptive narrative takes place. The land…
Exploring the many ancient sites that we’ll see on our journey to the Holy Land, as well as visiting museums and special exhibits, will bring us face-to-face with the topic of archaeology. I will post on this subject from time to time so that we can become better acquainted with it as we prepare to travel.

Israel in 4K

January 3, 2020
The Holy Land is certainly a feast for all the senses. Let your eyes feast here on some spectacular footage from The Vine Studios that includes images of modern Israel, some key archaeological sites, and views of the breathtaking countryside.
A journey to the Holy Land with Faith Connections Travel is more than just sightseeing. We hope that it will be part of your journey of faith.

Coming in 2020!

December 27, 2019
https://vimeo.com/379456207 During these holidays, take time to explore FaithConnectionsTravel.com. Registration is open for our December 2020 trip to the Holy Land. Browse…
As you can imagine, the lighting of the town Christmas tree in Bethlehem is a big deal. Enjoy the video of some…
Sea of Galilee at sunrise

The Journey Begins

December 20, 2019
Certainly travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas…
John Harman | Faith Connections Travel